What is the Career Transformation programme?

Career Transformation is a mentoring programme. We work together during six 1-hour calls.

The programme can be on different challenges or different aspects of the same topic – it's up to you!

Before each call, you will receive a short set of questions and prompts to consider, helping you define the area we will focus on and the outcome you're hoping for.

What happens during a Career Transformation call?

During the 1-hour call, we will use your answers to the pre-call questions and prompts to define the issue and your ideal outcome.

We will then discuss potential approaches you could take to reach your ideal outcome, and define realistic and specific next steps.

What happens after a Career Transformation call?

Within a week, you will receive:

  • A link to a recording of the call
  • A summary of our discussion, including next steps
  • Any supporting resources identified during the call
  • A link to book your next call

Career Transformation is right for you if:

  • Your MedComms career is in a rut and you don't know how to get out
  • You're facing a crossroads in your MedComms career
  • You want support to take your MedComms career to the next level

Eleanor Steele, the MedComms Mentor

Hi, I'm Eleanor Steele, the MedComms Mentor

With over 19 years' of MedComms experience, I know what medical writers at all career stages need to succeed.

I've worked across the spectrum of MedComms organisations, both in-house and as a freelance consultant, and I've used this experience to develop a practical and flexible approach to training and mentoring.

I can help you figure out what your ideal MedComms career looks like and work with you to develop a realistic and practical plan to reach your goal.

Before booking...

Please fill out the form below to help guide our work together.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I get a refund if I'm unhappy with my purchase?

If you are unsatisfied with your mentoring experience, reach out to us to see if your purchase is eligible for a refund.

How do I schedule my appointment?

After submitting the form above, you'll receive further instructions on how to book a time for your appointment.

Can I book more mentoring?

Absolutely! If you would like more mentoring support following your Career Transformation programme, simply book one of the mentoring packages offered by the MedComms Mentor.